This week we are reading about the Abrahamic Covenant [Abraham 1:1–4; 2:1–11; Genesis 12:1–8; 17:1–9]. In the LDS Bible Dictionary we read that "Abraham first received the gospel by baptism (which is the covenant of salvation). Then he had conferred upon him the higher priesthood, and he entered into celestial marriage (which is the covenant of exaltation), gaining assurance thereby that he would have eternal increase. Finally he received a promise that all of these blessings would be offered to all of his mortal posterity (D&C 132: 29-50; Abr. 2: 6-11). Included in the divine promises to Abraham were the assurances that1 Christ would come through his lineage, and that2 Abraham’s posterity would receive certain lands as an eternal inheritance (Gen. 17; Gen. 22: 15-18; Gal. 3; Abr. 2). These promises taken together are called the Abrahamic covenant. It was renewed with Isaac (Gen. 26: 1-4, 24) and again with Jacob (Gen. 28; Gen. 35: 9-13; Gen. 48: 3-4).
I thought it might be nice to compare the Abrahamic Covenant with other covenants we find in the Old Testament. Here are some notes I shamelessly stole from Wikipedia [note they are not in quotes but feel free to look them up online at www.wikipedia.com].
Covenant with Abraham
The Abrahamic covenant, found in Genesis 12-17, is known as the Brit bein HaBetarim, the "Covenant Between the Parts" in Hebrew, and is a commandment for Brit milah in Judaism. The covenant was restated for the descendants of his son Isaac found in Genesis 17:2-9 and Deuteronomy 1:7-8.Covenant with Isaac
- To make of Abraham a great nation and to bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him and all peoples on earth would be blessed through Abraham.[12:1-3]
- To give Abraham's descendants all the land from the river (or wadi) of Egypt to the Euphrates. [15:18-21] Wadi means seasonal river in reference to the Nile Delta which flooded seasonally during those days. Later, this land came to be referred to as the Promised Land or the Land of Israel, however the land specified by the Abrahamic Covenant also includes the modern nations of Saudi Arabia, Omen, Yemen, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, and several other nations within the Middle East Region.
- To make Abraham a father of many nations and of many descendants and the land of Canaan as well as the entire middle-east to his descendant.[17:2-9]
- The Abrahamic Covenant of Isaac did not pass to all the descendents of Isaac, however. From Isaac the Covenant passed to Jacob [27] and from Jacob the Covenant passed to Joseph [48:3-4]and then to his son Ephraim [48:17-19] so that while it was prophesied that the Messiah would come from Jacob's descendent Judah a.k.a. the Jewish people the birthright of many nations remained with Joseph's son Ephraim. [5:1-2] However the Ephraimites were defeated by the Assyrians in 556 BC and systematically disbursed throughout the Assyrian Empire (which included parts of the modern nations of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, etc.) so that their modern day identity has been lost. Many groups have attempted to claim this identity, see Ten Lost Tribes, however, most of these groups in America, Britain and Australia do not correspond to the locations specified in the Abrahamic Covenant.
- Circumcision is to be the permanent sign of this everlasting covenant with Abraham and his male descendants.[17:9-14]
Covenant with Jacob
God appears to Jacob in a dream, and promises:
- To give him and his descendants the land on which he is lying.
- That his descendants will be numerous like the dust of the earth.
- That all peoples on earth will be blessed through him and his offspring.
- To watch over him wherever he goes.[Gen 28:1]
Covenant with Joseph
According to the Bible, the covenant with Joseph is eternal and greater than covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [49:26]. The covenant states a wall be built to keep Joseph from his land, but that Joseph will climb over the wall while being shot at [Gen 49:22-23] and become prince over all his brothers. [Gen 49:26] [Deut 33:16] [Ezekiel 45:7]Covenant with Moses
The Mosaic Covenant, beginning in Exodus 19-24, contains the foundations of the Torah. In this covenant, God promises:
- To make the children of Israel His special possession among all people if they obey God and keep his covenant [19:5]
- To make the children of Israel a kingdom of priests and a holy nation[19:6]
- To give the children of Israel the Sabbath as the permanent sign of this covenant [31:12-17]
As part of the terms of this covenant, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments.
Latter-Day Covenants
The Abrahamic Covenant is just one of many covenants entered into by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Church leaders encourage members to make and keep several covenants as a part of the new and everlasting covenant of the gospel. Making and keeping covenants is necessary for exaltation.A covenant is a promise to God whereby He also promises blessings in return. Latter-day Saints believe that making covenants helps in overcoming difficulties in their lives. Church leaders teach that just as the God of Israel asked the children of Israel to be a covenant people, "a peculiar treasure unto me ... a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation," today God has asked for a latter-day people who will make and keep covenants with Him.
In the LDS Church, there are formal covenants and informal covenants. Formal covenants are limited in number and are always accompanied by the performance of an ordinance. Informal covenants mare made without the performance of an ordinance. Typically, formal covenants are made in the presence of other Latter-day Saints, while informal covenants are made privately between a Latter-day Saint and God without the performance of an ordinance. Informal covenants are most commonly referred to simply as commandments.
In the Church, formal covenants include baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost partaking of the sacrament; the oath and covenant of the priesthood; various promises made in the temple endowment; and the temple marriage covenant.
Informal covenants include the covenant of tithing; the Word of Wisdom; the law of chastity; and keeping the Sabbath Day holy.
All covenants, both informal and formal, are considered part of the overarching new and everlasting covenant of the gospel. Partaking of the sacrament is a renewal of the covenants made at baptism (to include the Abrahamic Covenant because all gentiles are adopted into the family of Abraham at baptism). Furthermore, regular temple attendance by faithful members constitutes a renewal of all formal and informal covenants a person has made. I thought the following chart taken from Wikipedia was helpful:
Covenant | Formal or Informal | Action required | Promised blessings |
Baptism and Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost | Formal: Baptism by immersion; Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands | Sincere repentance; take upon the name of Christ; serve Him and keep his commandments; be willing to bear other's burdens, mourn with those who mourn, and comfort those who stand in need of comfort; stand as a witness of Christ in all times and in all places; always remember Him | Sins are forgiven; presence of the Holy Ghost; come forth in first resurrection; receive eternal life |
Partaking of the sacrament | Formal: Partaking of bread and water (or wine) | Same actions as required for baptism | Same promised blessings as baptism |
Oath and covenant of the priesthood | Formal: priesthood receiving by the laying on of hands | Be faithful to receive the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods; magnify assigned calling | Sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of the body; become the son of Moses and Aaron and the seed of Abraham; receives all that God has; exaltation |
Temple Endowment | Formal: performance of temple rituals | Obedience; Sacrifice everything for Christ and His church; chastity; consecrete time, talents, and possessions to the building up of the church; keep key words, signs, and tokens learned in the temple confidential | Admission into the presence of God; exaltation |
Celestial (temple) marriage | Formal: undergo ceremony in temple | Love spouse with heart, might, mind and strength; keep other commandments | Come forth in first resurrection; inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths; name written in Lamb's Book of Life; exaltation; continuation of the seeds forever and ever; godhood; all power |
Tithing | Informal | Pay one-tenth of all income annually to the church | God will open the windows of heaven; rebuke the devourer; land will be delightsome |
Word of Wisdom | Informal | Abstain from tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee; eat meat sparingly and with thanksgiving; eat grain, fruit, vegetables, and herbs | Health in the navel; marrow to the bones; wisdom and great hidden treasures of knowledge; run and not be weary; walk and not faint; destroying angel shall pass by |
Law of Chastity | Informal | No sexual relations outside of marriage; do not lust after others | Presence of the Holy Ghost; will not be kept out of the church and heaven |
Keeping the Sabbath Day holy | Informal | Attend church meetings; partake of the sacrament; rest from labors; pay devotion to God; confess sins; fast; prepare food with singleness of heart; be cheerful; avoid much laughter; | Will be unspotted from sin; fulness of the earth; all living things may be used for food, clothing, and housing |
New and everlasting covenant | Both formal & informal | Keep all the other covenants of the gospel, formal and informal | Exaltation |
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