Eight short weeks ago I took on the challenge of serving in my home ward as the Gospel Doctrine instructor. Since that time, I have benefited tremendously, both in spirit and in intellect, from the lessons I have been so privileged to study and present in class. However, as those of you who have served in this capacity already know too well, there simply is never enough time to present even a majority of the lesson content in class. Week after week I am struck down in mid stride by that blasted invention known as the bell! "It's time for Relief Society and Priesthood" -- is my sad final commentary just before a quick summary and official announcement of the final prayer offerer.
Weighed down by the sheer wastefulness of this activity, I approached my wife, Eva, with the idea of starting a blog, with the express intent of sharing to the minority (perhaps) in the audience who felt, as I often do, to exclaim: "don't stop now, let's have it; give us the rest of the lesson..." Well, in my best Paul Harvey imitation now you have "the rest of the story."
My intention with the blog is two fold: A. to post supplemental commentary, analysis and additional material that I have come across prior to the lesson presentation on Sunday, and B. to post material that I had prepared, but for whatever reason, was unable to present during the 30 to 45 minutes we are given to have our Gospel discussion in.
So with that said, "Let the blogging begin...!" I hope it will be a huge success and that all of you will want to participate and contribute. I trust our Heavenly Father will bless our little community of bloggers so long as we adhere to the enticings of the Spirit and join our voices in praise of Him who has given His life for those who are joined in and by His everlasting Gospel which means "Good News" and ultimately refers to His Atonement for all: "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" [Ephesians 2: 19-20].
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